Last Updated
November 8, 2021
The following are guidelines and rules surrounding the use of our brand, which reinforces our values, vision and mission. The guide will not be able to predict each unique situation, but will help refine your approach and create a path for using our brand materials in a purposeful way.
The GoFax brand is held to a high standard. The brand, perception and reputation of GoFax is maintained under strict control. Where the brand is represented, whether that be externally or internally, we expect that it is held to that same high standard across all channels.
We reserve the right to deny any use of brand materials, such as our logo and brand elements for any reason, at any time.
If you have any questions concerning the content of this guide, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Marketing team.
The GoFax mission is to give corporate clients the ability to send thousands of faxes online, at an affordable cost. For high-fraud markets such as Government, Law, and Health, GoFax has a solution that suits each.
Australia’s Premium Online Fax & SMS Service
Pay-as-you-go online faxing
Built for business
Connect. Integrate. Automate.
Our logo is how our customers tell us apart from a crowded industry. It’s a promise of quality, consistency, and reliability. As such, it is vital that our logo is presented correctly in every execution. This section covers these guidelines in detail. Any use of our brand logo outside of or conflicting with the contents of this section will be considered unauthorized.
The brand logo identifies the GoFax brand as a whole. Use this logo to represent everything about the GoFax Brand.This logo is a locked artwork and must not be edited in any way.
Each brand logo lockup has several colour variations for use on different background types, tones, and colours. When in doubt, use the most legible version of the logo for the available background.For printed executions, special care should be given to ensure logo legibility on the final media or material used.
When subtlety is desired, the GoFax icon can be used in place of a full brand logo lockup.When this mark is used, ensure that our brand name is visible near or in relationship with the icon. For example, an espresso cup bearing the icon design on the inside of the cup should have a hang tag or box which displays our brand name legibly. This will help reinforce brand recognition.
Maintaining optimal and minimal logo sizing is vital to the legibility of the mark and overall brand recognition. The execution will often dictate the right logo size. But in order to maximize legibility, try to use the largest size (within reason) for each logo version listed. In some circumstances, it may be acceptable to use the minimum size.
Clear space, or negative space, is the area that surrounds the logo that is completely clear of any other graphical element. Clear space helps the logo stand out from the rest of the elements on the page and ensures legibility, even at small sizes. As a general rule, the more clear, or negative, space around the logo, the better. At a minimum, there should be clear space equal to the 1/2 width of the GoFax icon on all four sides of the logo. Using an element from the logo as a unit of measurement ensures enough clear space at any size.
Contrast is the name of the game when considering placing the logo on any background. Our logo should not only be legible; it should also make a clear, strong statement when used. If there is not enough contrast between the logo and the background, the presence of the logo is weakened. The logo may be placed on photographs, textures, and patterns as long as there is enough contrast for the logo to be visible.
Placement of the logo on canvas is vital to a consistent visual style.
Where our logo is placed communicates a great deal about our brand’s visual style. In this chapter, you will find high-level guidance on how the logo should be positioned on a variety of touchpoints and media.As a general rule, our logo should not be centered in an area. We typically favor a left-aligned layout with the logo aligned to the primary grid line—the spine. Exceptions to this rule will inevitably surface. When in doubt, connect with a member of our team.
Notifyre Blue - #1000a1
Notifyre Pink - #c321d7
Notifyre Bright Blue - #0046e8
Notifyre Navy - #001861
Notifyre White - #ffffff
The consistent use of colour is vital to effective brand recognition. Our brand should always be represented in one of the colours on this page, aside from specific recommendations within this guide. Do not use any other/unauthorized colours. Use of the Pantone Matching System is highly recommended to ensure colour consistency across any and all touchpoints. If Pantone colour matching is not available or out of budget, please take great care to match the hues above precisely. We prefer a natural matte/uncoated paper stock, so always match to the Uncoated Pantone book.
Black and white are vital components to the brand palette. Whenever possible, avoid true black and true white in favor of these subdued tones. Both white and black are used to define space on the page, on the package, and on the website. Create high contrast by combining both: perfect for legible typography. This guide serves as an excellent example of this. We recommend an expansive use of negative space in brand executions, which can be created using either white or black.
We prefer our brand colours used without editing, but some situations require the use of colour tints, especially on the web. For example, when a user hovers over a button on our web site, using a tint change can help confirm their action.If necessary, use a 20% tint step system, keeping legibility in mind. Any tint below 60% used as a background will require dark text.
Few things communicate the look and feel of a brand more clearly than the way letters, numbers, and symbols are put together. We believe typography should strike a balance between legibility and interest. This section will cover approved typefaces, the way we use typography to communicate clearly, and some helpful usage tips. Any typeface not referenced in this section will be considered unauthorized for use.
We typically stay within these three weights. Use contrast between heavy and lighter weights to communicate relevant importance, otherwise known as hierarchy, of information.
When constructing layouts, these tips will help you build dynamic, interesting, and on-brand compositions with typography. While these rules are proven and sound, sometimes breaking them is the right call.
The heading structure on this page is in direct reference to our current website design. This is the basic breakdown of standard heading sizes, and their relationship to body copy. Obviously, exceptions exist, especially between different page templates. Also, the h-level of each heading should be set in accordance with search-engine and development best practices.
Font: Roboto Regular
Size: 56px
Line Height: 62px
Font: Roboto SemiBold
Size: 36px
Line Height: 48px
Font: Roboto SemiBold
Size: 20px
Line Height: 30px
Weight: Lato
Size: 16px
Line Height: 26px
As previously stated, this guide is not a comprehensive list of rules. We recognise the creative journey is full of twists and turns. New approaches, new trends, and changes in technology will inevitably have an effect on our brand and the way we execute it visually. That being said, we insist that any brand execution follow the guidelines listed within. Anything outside of these guidelines must be approved by an authorised representative from GoFax. If you are a vendor working on one of our brand executions, we require an electronic or physical proof before any item is printed, published, or otherwise executed. These proofs can be submitted to your point of contact within GoFax. Questions prevent mishaps: If you have a question about the use of our brand materials, please do not hesitate to ask!
The files provided with this guide generally fall into two types: raster and vector files. While both can be used for most applications, typically one is more suited, depending on the usage intent. Raster FilesRaster files are comprised of a grid of pixels. These types of files always have a set resolution and size. Once you increase the size past its predetermined size, the quality decreases. You’ve probably seen this before: images begin to appear pixel-lated if they’re pushed too far. Graphics, like the brand logo, can be exported in raster versions. Photographs are always raster files. Raster files are typically used for web graphics and digital executions. When used in print applications, you must ensure that the file exceeds the minimum DPI (dots per inch) of 150DPI, or risk a low-quality print. Typically, raster files end with .jpg, .png, .gif, and .psd. They are easy to open and apply.Vector filesVector files create their shapes by mathematical equations between anchor points. Since they are crafted by ratios, and not a grid of coloured squares, vector images can be infinitely scaled.Graphics, like the brand logo, are typically created as vector files. Illustrations, iconography, and many of our simple shapes and graphic elements are created as vector files. The limitations of vector files lie in their strengths: because each relationship is an equation, complex items, gradients, photographs often make vector file sizes too large. Raster images are more efficient in those situations. Vector files are typically used for printing or producing the logo or other graphics in most forms. If you’re ever asked for a high-resolution logo file, send a vector file. Typically, vector files end with .ai, .eps and .svg. Without special programs, these files will be difficult to open.
Jeremi Dickson
Marketing Director
Connor McCarthy
Digital Graphic Designer
Jade Dor
Comunications & Content Specialist